RF Cautery Machine
(Radio frequency Cautery Machine)
What is RF Cautery?
RF Cautery Technique of Radio Surgery involves the passage of high frequency radio waves (2mhz-Megahertz) through soft tissue to cut, coagulate, or remove the tissue.
The Doctor Uses a hand piece with an active electrode to transmit the Radio Waves. The Radio waves are focused on the tissue by an patient plate that is positioned behind the tissue in contact with patient’s skin.
Radio surgery in general practice has many advantages over conventional surgical techniques particularly dermatological, plastic and eye lid surgery, ENT, Dental, Quicker Operating time;rapid healing, less tissue damage and less post operative discomfort have been observed and its wider use in hospital practise is recommended.
Advanced Features:
Shock Proof
Micro – smooth incisions
Cutting & Fulguration is optional
Pin point cutting capability
Reduced Operating Times
No – Lateral Heat
Sparkless integrated circuit of latest technology for fast and continuous procedures
Minimum heat with no charring resulting in least tissue damage
Minimum blood loss & pain
Anaesthesia is not requried on the surface of the skin or in superficial procedures
Radio Surgery cutting current can be more versatile than a laser for smoothing and finishing skin wounds or revising scars after skin cancer surgery. Radio frequency current technology that will help Physicians/Surgeons to fine tune the repair of surgical defects is a new application that will help surgeons make the best use of their investment in the instrument.Patient satisfaction with this technique is very high because radio surgery causes less bleeding than conventional surgery, allowing the post operative skin defects to be more easily camouflaged.
Plastic Surgery
Face Lift, Breast Reconstruction, excision of skin lesions, Blepharoplasty.
Treating Facial telangiectasias:
Removal of telangiectasias by conventional methods like Electro – cautery etc.: Patients experience discomfort and intolerable pain – efforts and surgery must be discontinued. In addition, some patients will develop small dells or depressions associated with dessication, crust formation and healing.
Dermatology Warts:
Warts are common cutaneous and many different means have been used in treatment of them. A Loop electrode ¼ “diameter (6.35mm) is inserted around the wart and pushed down the center rather than straight across. Care must be taken not to penetrate into the dermis because this may lead to scar formation. Little scarring, if any, will result in the affected epidermis alone being removed and the dermis left intact. For very smaller warts and flat warts, loop (1-2mm in diameter) electrode is not advisable, and pointed electrode is commonly used. Loop electrode is suitable for periungual and subungual warts, condyloma, accuminata and plantar warts.The high frequency radio surgical instrument as proven to be a boom for dermatological and plastic surgery, as it allows many more procedures to be accomplished in an office setting. In addition, patient acceptance has been high, because of more rapid healing time and superior cosmetic results as with cold knife. For example, Facial telangiectasias by radio frequency minimized discomfort and completely eliminated dells or depression and sever pain or bleeding. With it, one can treat the patient’s face and neck area in one sitting and it can also be operated in very low current setting compared to other methods with higher frequency.